At the start of the year I wrote out a list of things I'd like to accomplish in 2014 and now that the first quarter has well and truly passed us by, here's my update on how I'm going:
1. Two queen-sized quilts for our bed.
One of these is well underway - the low volume triangle quilt. It needs a few more things appliquéd on before it's ready to be quilted.
2. A log cabin twin-sized quilt for my daughter.
I thought about this a bit. And bought some fabric. Does this count?
3. A yet-to-be-decided twin-sized quilt for our 9 yr old son.
4. A big ol' picnic rug-type quilt.
5. At least two tops or dresses or something for me to wear.
Sadly, nup. But I see that Rae has her Spring Top Sewalong on again and I'd like to partake (even though it's autumn over here).
6. Free motion quilt one of the above projects.
No way. Still too scared.
7. Paper-piece something.
Yes, yes, yes. I have decided to embellish my queen quilt with EPPed rings and things, so that has been a success.
8. Sort out this blog's design.
I commissioned a new blog logo, which I'm really happy with (you can see above in the header). I'm also going to change from Blogger to Wordpress or Squarespace, I just need to decide which one and find someone I can hire to help me.
9. Write up a pattern for sale.
Oooh, I'm right up in this one's grill. Pattern is written and being looked over by our very own Marg. I need to sew up some samples (anyone feel like being a tester?) and then release it on the innocent and unsuspecting public. Bwahaha.
10. Perhaps start a newsletter.
Yes, I am cranking this one up too. Feel free to sign up here.
Absolutely, positively no spam. Only good stuff.
11. My start-of-year pledge: I will try to make all of the projects on my 2014 list from fabrics already in my possession.
Ha. Ha ha. Hahahahahahahahahahaha. Look, I tried. But I needed more yellow for No 2 above, and then I wanted to use those widescreen 108" fabrics for the backing of the queen quilts in No 1, and then I had to fill both those flat rate envelopes to make sure I was making the most of my postage dollars. And will you just stop having sales, fabric stores!!
I'm just going to draw a line under all that and start afresh today.
We are in our last week of the first term school holidays here and I've been enjoying pushing my childhood loves on my children.
First I made them watch the Goonies:
Then I made them watch a few episodes of Battle of the Planets:
Always five, acting as one. Thanks again, IMDb
And finally, we took the elder two kids to see the Lego Movie. In threeeeee deeeeeeee...
That's right, I paid good money to watch what was essentially a 2 hour Lego advert and I loved every minute of it.
It got even better once we got home:
Psst: I got to sew while they did this. Everything is awesome.
And how about you - have you drunk the Lego Kool-Aid?
Are you having a win with your plans for 2014?
Are you as shocked as I am that it's already the second half of April?
Wishing you all a wonderful Easter with the ones you love!