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Monday, May 16, 2011

This weekend, Part 1: Méjean

I still haven't caught up on our holiday snaps and we're already off visiting other places. Hope you guys aren't tired of travel photos.

Country vista near our house. Finally stopped (after 18 months) to take a photo. Figures he'd have the sprinkler on. 

Saturday we went to Méjean, a small (small, small) seaside village west of Marseille.


There is pretty much a restaurant, a couple of small harbours and residences there, nothing more.


You really need to book for lunch at the restaurant to make sure you get a spot. When I called they also advised that the road into the village is closed to non-residents on the weekend - but they would put our name on the list of those allowed to pass through. When you see the road (windy, steep, single lane in many spots), you can see why they close it. It would be a nightmare for residents and tourists alike during high season. So if you're going to visit, plan ahead and book at the restaurant, otherwise you'll have to walk in.

We arrived about an hour early so we could walk a track along the coast/cliffs before lunch. Some of it is like this:


But some of it is like this, so bring your hiking boots if you plan on a long walk.


The walk has some nice look out points where you can see back to Méjean:

That's a railway line on those arches. 

Also spotted on the way - yummy figs getting ready for summer eating:


This is the little restaurant, right next to the water, where we had lunch. The food was very edible, but not a meal I will remember - again, it's all about the location.

Topless diver included for free. 

I took this photo from my chair, you can see how close the water is. Great for keeping the bigger kids occupied and out of our hair.


Other gooey things kept them interested too:


After lunch we walked around the two small harbours in the area:


And found a small beach (covered with sleeping scuba divers waiting their next dive, sadly all clothed).


The big kids looked for rockpools and threw rocks while the little guy ate the very gritty sand (I don't know why, we figured he liked the salt?). By then it was mid afternoon and tiredness was starting to set in, so it was time to head home.

We passed this orchard, aflame with poppies, on the way home. I think I love these even more than the lavender.


Thank you to the lovely Sara Louise in her Petit Village for a Versatile Blogger Award nomination.  I could tell you all seven secrets about myself, but then I'd have to kill you. And frankly I just don't have the time. Plus my obstetrician advised avoiding over-exertion until after the baby is born, and I'm pretty sure slaughtering falls in this category. So I shall just have to remain mum!

Hope you all had a fab weekend!


Megan said...

Wow! I would give everything up to live in a little village like that! It's absolutely gorgeous! and those poppies, it's my favourite flower! They are soooo gorgeous! :)

Susan said...

Fabulous photos again Kirsty! I never get sick of travelling with you! The poppies were my favourite with a close second to that pretty blue boat! I hoped you remembered to 'slip, slop and slap' on the little guy? (I've had two Versatile Blogger Nominations but I chose to ignore them- might have lost a couple of followers but I don't have the time either!!!)

Maaike said...

Really Kirsty, you picturework is again amazing. And, you tend to pick the perfect spots all the time! I love your travel-blogs.
Besides that, after reading you travels, I am always thinking: and she is doing it together with 3 little kids and a growing baby inside... What a superwoman and supermom you must be!
Big bravo for Kirsty :-)

Love, Maaike

Brenna [fabuleuxdestin] said...

Wow! Beautiful photos! I wish I was there !

Marg said...

I second Suz, I never get sick of travelling with you via your gorgeous photos. The field of poppies is absolutely stunning.
Would have been nice to see more semi naked divers. I can always hope:)
I'm pleased you're not able to slaughter this week, makes me feel much safer! You're not ex SAS are you, lol?

michelle said...

your travel posts and gorgeous pics are so enthralling. that railway bridge is amazing, it hardly looks you think kontiki pensioner will be able to get my wheelchair into those coves and walks?

Dianne said...

Bonjour Kirsty -you live in such a wonderful area of France and how fortunate to be able to skoot of to visit these pretty picturesque locations! The field of red poppies is a dream!
Thanks for sharing your travels with us!

Lauren said...

Your photos are truly stunning. Do you have any training in photography? Also, do you mind revealing what sort of camera you use?

Eva said...

Again, such beautiful pictures!!! I didn't get around to comment on your Cinque Terre post, it was so stunning! The colours! The water! Everything!!! I had to laugh at the frozen pasta, we also had a disillusioning moment like this in Rome! I was really hungry, so I didn't tell J. who didn't really hear when the waiter informed us that it would be microwaved ... I think he'd gone on looking for another place ... :-D

And Méjean really seems to have something for everybody! Entertainment and salty treats plus topless divers ...!

That poppy-filled orchard is one of the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen!!!

Gillie said...

Ladies, please, surely you should be concentrating on the beautiful scenery! Love *traveling* with you, Kirsty!

Bonnie said...

I am so jealous of your life. I never get to travel anywhere, so I have to live vicariously through my blogger friends.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88

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