Pattern Shop

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Just hanging at home, waiting for the Rapture.

Any of you guys gone up to heaven yet?

We're still waiting. Although if the business doesn't commence until 6pm then we've got a bit of time to kill.

I should be finishing off this:


But instead I've been sewing some simple blocks:


Others are trying to make some last minute scientific breakthroughs:


You know, it's well past 6pm in all parts of Australia right now, and no one has experienced the Rapture.

Just goes to show what a bunch of unholy reprobates we really are.

I almost forgot to say that I guest posted over on Charley's blog 365 Things That I Love About France on Thursday. If you'd like know what French kids are eating at their school canteen, pop over for a quick read. I promise, you will be jealous.

Have a fab weekend!


Sara said...

It's nearly 11pm here in South Australia and I haven't seen any earthquakes, naked people floating to heaven or piles of clothes left behind. And I worked tonight in a supermarket, so you'd think that would have given me a better chance of seeing something, but nope. That said, we've often said that we're so far from civilisation down here that the world could end and we wouldn't notice, so I'm probably not the most reliabale source.

Anonymous said...

I still have a few hours befor 6pm here....I'm thinking I better binge on all my favorite foods before I'm lifted up!!

Susan said...

I'm still here! What a sweet photo of your little one! ;-) And lots of pretty patches! Off to check out your guest post!

Marg said...

Still here too and it's now 7.30am Sunday and I've checked on the internet, a most reliable source. Sorry to disappoint anyone but I think they got the dates wrong, lol :D

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

No we are still here and it was meant to start in NZ so I'd say we are safe for another day. I see you have more perfect sewing under way! My goodness you do make so many quilts. You have such wonderful fabrics too.

magpie chic said...

Yeah me too, and i was all excited because we were meant to be getting it first! I was debating weather I should try and get that last load of washing dry!

blandina said...

The only rapture here is the one that I experience looking at the pile of clothes to be ironed.
I had a ball reading the menu of the French kids canteen, now I am curious to know what are their mothers prepare for their dinner at home.

Anonymous said...

Well, I am from Melbourne....maybe the 'train' to heaven has been cancelled. Glad that I still have more time left to sew, as I am not sure that I could take my stash with me to heaven! I have recently found your blog and have enjoyed your photos, especially of your travels & your Aussie humour. from Jenny McH

Kirsty @ Bonjour Quilts said...

Jenny McH, didn't you hear fabric grows on trees in heaven, and the thread is all Egyptian cotton that never has tension problems? Thanks for dropping by!

diana said...

Hmm... I was so sure the rapture thing was local (we have a lot of gurus too). I guess we'll have to wait for the next one :D

Cally said...

That is *such* a clever alternative to pins!

I remember from the French exchange being totally impressed with the school lunches - a full on restaurant meal with bread basket and all!

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